Tuesday 11 May 2010

& a quick hello from me, Alice

Hello there blogosphere, I'm Alice Elizabeth Belger...not quite as much of a mouthful as my best friends, and nowhere near as difficult to pronounce but pretty unique in it's own way.
I read through Rosie's introduction herself and let me warn you now, mine is going to be anything like as long nor remotely as interesting. Sorry!

I've lived in the same little seaside town just outside Liverpool my entire life, and have only moved house once - and even that was down the road (literally I'm not even joking house 91, to house 98) our family clearly doesn't deal with 'change' too well. Although I've always lived in England and it's my home, I feel as though I should be somewhere else, and that somewhere else is back in the country where my heritage lies - Ireland. We visit Ireland every year at least once and each time I grow to love the place more and more, I mean sure England is wonderful but ...well it's just not there is it?
Another country our entire family wants to move to is Australia, we've got some family over there and one of my best friends lives there too - so when Rosie packs up and heads down under, I can pretty much guarantee I'll be heading down there with her (with Ojn hiding in my bag no doubt)

I'm ginger, thats probably the first thing anyone would notice about me. Honestly though I don't really see what the big deal with being ginger is? I mean..is there one? Probably not, but whatever. I rather like it, my hair colour provides me and my friends with endless jokes and I tend to be able to get out of awkward situations by saying "it's because I'm ginger isn't it?" that one tends to leave people lost for words...it's pretty much one of my most used phrases.
Speaking of frequently used phrases I actually have about 9874598349874397 of them 'wow' 'RAH' 'I don't mind you pick' are probably some of my most used, so if ever a post pops up that doesn't exactly state who wrote it and those random words come up, you can probably guarantee its me.

Like Rosie I want to be sucessful, I'd actually love to have my name known throughout the world - though my problem is I lack the talent and the motivation to be what I really want to be - a photographer.
I see pretty pictures on the internet and wonder who took them, where they were taken and why exactly the photographer chose to capture that moment for all eternity? Though fashion photography is my faveourite, I'd do anything to take photos for well known magazines or designer labels, but I don't have a DLSR or any skills or knowledge, hopefully I'll learn though..because it really is what I'd like to do.
If all else fails, I'll be a history teacher and teach children about the many failings of Britain and all the other countries in the world, lovely.

I'm completely indecisive - it's actually getting to the point where it is completely  ridiculous, I can't even make the simplest of decisions without someone else helping or guiding me as to what to choose. Because of this, I can never decide which trends I actually like, which I don't and which I probably should - so my fashion sense can tend to be a little out of this world as I try to mismatch things together. I love fashion and would do anything to be involved with it, but only time will tell on that one I suppose.

There's nothing else much about me, I've pretty  much told you everything...I'm Alice, ginger, sixteen years old and trudging through the most hectic part of my life so far. I cannot wait until summer 2010 where I will be able to spend endless amounts of time with my best friends, taking pretty pictures and listening to beautiful lyrics.

Now you know me, you know Rosie and you've got a vague idea as to what the hell this blog is going to be about - let's see how we go shall we?

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